When Does a Binding Child Support Agreement End
When Does a Binding Child Support Agreement End?
Child support is a legal obligation of parents to provide financial support to their children until they reach a certain age or become self-sufficient. Child support agreements are binding agreements between parents that determine the amount of child support payments and the duration of the payments. If you have a binding child support agreement in place, you may wonder when it will end. In this article, we will explore the different situations that can terminate a binding child support agreement.
Age of the Child
In most cases, child support payments will end when the child reaches the age of majority, which is typically 18 years old. However, in some cases, child support payments may continue beyond the age of majority, such as when the child has a physical or mental disability or is still in school. In these cases, the child support agreement will specify the age at which child support payments will end.
Child Becomes Self-Sufficient
Child support payments may also end when the child becomes self-sufficient. This means that the child is no longer dependent on financial support from their parents. For example, if the child graduates from college, gets a job, and becomes financially independent, the child support payments may end. In this case, the parent who is paying child support may need to provide evidence that the child is no longer dependent on financial support.
Change in Circumstances
Child support agreements may also end if there is a change in circumstances, such as a change in income or custody arrangements. If the circumstances of one or both parents change, they may need to renegotiate the child support agreement. For example, if one parent loses their job or gets a significant raise, the child support payments may need to be adjusted.
End of Parental Obligation
Finally, the parental obligation to pay child support may end if the child is adopted or if the parent`s parental rights are terminated. In these cases, the parent is no longer legally responsible for providing financial support to the child.
In conclusion, the duration of a binding child support agreement depends on a variety of factors, including the age of the child, the child`s self-sufficiency, changes in circumstances, and the end of the parental obligation. If you have questions about the duration of your child support agreement, it is important to consult with a qualified family law attorney. They can help you understand your rights and obligations and guide you through the legal process.